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Inspire, Engage, and Challenge your audience

Personal Message from Nathan

Thank you for visiting my page and for considering me for your event.  Choosing a speaker is an important task and I'm praying the Lord gives you wisdom and guidance during your process. 

My Heart for Others

God has called me to share this message with others.  To be vulnerable, humble, authentic and relatable.  He has placed a burden in my heart to tell others they aren’t alone and to share with them the process, the struggles, and the steps I went through when turning back to God.  My issue? I was a Modern-Day Jonah for many years and at times I’m still a Modern-Day Jonah.  God placed a calling on my life and I choose to disobey Him.  This caused "storms" in my life and in the lives of those around me.  How many Modern-Day Jonah's are there sitting on church pews every Sunday morning? 


Who Needs to Hear This? 

  1. those who are actively walking away from God

  2. those who are actively walking towards God



The first problem: Christians’s who have made the deliberate choice to ignore God’s calling on their life.  They are creating “storms” in their lives and the lives of others.  Now they are stuck and aren’t sure what to do next. 


The second problem: Christian’s who are walking with God but don’t know how to talk with the Modern-Day Jonah.  The standard answer of “get in God’s word and pray more” doesn’t address the issue at hand. 



The first solution: tell and show others they aren’t alone.  The way they got where they are might but unique, but the results in their lives are the same.  They need someone to listen to them, to guide them, to love them, and to show them there is hope and a way back to God.  (Jonah had to be thrown out of the boat.  Why?)


The second solution: training and educating Christians on how to “handle” a Modern-Day Jonah.  You don’t wag your finger and say “get your heart right with God.”  All that does is drive them further away from God.  We must learn to listen, show the love of Christ, and offer sound, Biblical advice. 


Why is this relevant? 

Every Christian has their struggles IF they are honest.  However, most don’t know how to handle their circumstances or whom to talk with.  Their lives are filled with stress, anxiety, conflict, and misery. They have issues communicating with their spouse, their kids, and those at work.  They aren’t sleeping well, eating well, or exercising.  


The pressures of life are bearing down on them and they have started to wonder “where is God” in their lives.   They have pushed the thought of getting right with God to the very back of their minds.  They spend their time and energy addressing “problems” which are really just symptoms caused by not being right with God. 


They need a path out.  They need to learn Bible-Based, Christ-Centered strategies and techniques to address turning back to God.  They need to know they aren’t alone and that others have been there, done that, and are now living life full of hope and joy.  

"It is my privilege to recommend to your ministry, or organization, Brother Nathan Tabor. God has done a unique work in Nathan’s life. I believe it is beneficial to hear the perspective of a man who has experience and success in business, politics, and many other areas, and yet found himself empty. A person’s most powerful witness is their testimony. I encourage you to allow Nathan to share how God is rewriting Nathan’s story. Everyone needs to be reminded that God has not given up on them, even if everyone else has."

Daniel Hawtree, Head Pastor of Kerwin Baptist Church, Kernersville, NC

About Nathan

Nathan is an experienced speaker and trainer who motivates, inspires, and transforms his audiences in an engaging, and challenging way.  


This is achieved by Nathan showing his vulnerability with personal stories of struggles, challenges, and conflicts caused by his own actions.  This allows him to connect with the audience.  See, if we aren't willing to discuss our failures and fears in our own life, then why should someone even consider the advice we are giving them about making their life better. 


The goal is to engage and educate others with the knowledge that turning back to God and submitting to His will is the only way they are going to find control in their lives.  Read Nathan's story here.


Popular Topics:

- Overcoming the Modern Day Jonah Syndrome

- Are You Running From God's Calling?

- "Split-Rail" Christian

- Man's Rules vs God's Rules

- The True Steps to Becoming a Godly Man

- Prepare Now or Repair Later

- Overcoming and Handling Failure

- I Don't Like My Job, Now What? 

- Sometimes I Don't Want to Serve God

- Do You Have a Pride Problem? 

- Worrying Keeping You Up at Night? 

- Is God Your ATM? 

- Are You In Constant Conflict? 

- Forgiving is a Must


Contact Nathan about delivering a talk uniquely tailored to your audience.  Whether it’s a sermon at your church, a keynote at your conference or a training seminar, Nathan will not disappoint. 


If you are interested in booking Nathan or have questions, please use the contact form below.  Thank you!

Speaking Videos

"Nathan Tabor is a Christian with a poignant personal story. He grew up a preacher’s kid, has a remarkable account of business success as an entrepreneur and was a candidate for the United States Congress. However, lying beneath the veneer of all his successes, was a young man headed for catastrophic crisis. Today, by the grace of God, he is an eminent success in all the things that really matter: peace of heart, relationship with wife and daughter, and personal walk with Jesus Christ, his Lord."

Howard Wilburn, Retired Pastor, Salem Baptist, Winston-Salem, NC
Past Present, Piedmont International University, Winston-Salem, NC


"Nathan has been a steady encouragement to all those who hear him speak, read his devotions or follow him on Social Media. Through transparency, he compels other believers to make wise decisions and live the Christian life as God intends.  I believe his heart and message is truly needed. Please consider having him share his compelling message to your congregation."

Sam Hicks, Pastor of WABC, Asheboro NC

Speaking Contact
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