One on one
No matter what you call it - Mentoring, Coaching, or Consulting - the process and results are ALL the same.
Stop Procrastinating, Start Achieving.
What’s holding you back? Don’t know the next steps? Confidence? Lack of Support? Can’t see a clear path? Fear of Change?
Or do you just need help mapping out your next steps?
Questions to ask yourself:
How motivated are you?
Are you willing to challenge yourself?
Are you willing to change to grow?
Are you willing to devote time and money?
Are you tired of being stuck?
If you answered YES to all these questions, then mentoring and coaching is right for you!
The only question left is are YOU ready to take the necessary steps to change your life?
Please know, you aren’t alone. I’ve been there, and our minds and circumstances can really hold us back. We put roadblocks in front of ourselves before we ever get started. We tell ourselves “It’s too hard, or it’s too complicated, or it’ll take too much time, or I don’t have the funds.”
If you listen to that loud voice, you’ll never get ahead. The voice you need to listen to is that quiet one, deep down inside, the voice that knows you and realizes what you can accomplish.
This is where a mentoring and coaching program allows YOU to become the BEST version of yourself. The time tested and proven system of seeking wisdom and counsel of others is exactly what you need.
Mentoring is guiding, counseling, and supporting a person to achieve their overall goal. Coaching is instructing a person to achieve a specific goal.
The Process
Through a specific process, ranging from developing and implementing leadership principles, to growth goals, to the establishment of a vision statement I help individuals, executives and businesses establish a path to achieving their goals. I draw from my own personal experience, my successes and failures, and the wisdom of those who have coached and influenced me along with the principles of John Maxwell.
It’s simple, anyone can achieve their goals and do whatever they set their minds to do! But they must be willing to define out those goals, develop a strategy to reach them and then implement the plan.
"I highly recommend Nathan Tabor for anyone wanting to reach the next level!”
Melissa (Missy) Garrett
American Express Director, Learning Performance Measurement
Business Consulting
Are you trying to grow your business? Expand? Or get your arms around a situation? Besides Nathan’s own business experience, he has worked with business entities of all sizes—from mom-and-pops to Fortune 500 companies to ministries and nonprofits. Nathan can help you define your niche, get the ball rolling on change, provide objectivity, teach and train employees, revive an organization/business, facilitate relationships and connections, identify ways to save money, develop a business plan, create investor packets, increase employee retention, identify problems and create solutions, increase profits and much more.
Life Coaching
Nathan will talk with you, listen to you, and walk alongside you. This will allow him to see your perspective, how you think and what’s really going on. Once this is completed, you all will strategize and establish a plan of action. As you go through this process you will define yourself and your goals. This process includes, but not limited to, how to manage your time, handle stress, and handle relationships.
Work-Life Balance Program
Implementing a Work-Life Balance Program will have a significant impact on you and your company. As people learn to manage and create balance they are then better equipped to handle stress, which allows them to be more productive at work and home. My program is designed to help others by engaging them, educating them, and empowering them. It uses tried and true methods that helped me in my own journey. The program is delivered through one-on-one consultations, workshops, seminars or speeches.
Nathan, you don’t have experience in MY field, so, how can you help me?
The circumstances of how you got where you are probably different than mine OR where you are going is different from me, BUT the solutions, laws and principles to handling these matters are the same.
Can I try it out before I make a decision?
Yes! Visit to schedule a free 30-minute session.