The Handling Life Program
The Handling Life Program is Bible-Based, Christ-Centered, and focuses on seven areas of your life over seven weeks. Through this program, you will be encouraged to examine and establish where you are with God in those areas. These seven areas are discussed in-depth in Modern-Day Jonah: Stop Surviving, Start Living and make up the framework for the 7-week action plan.
The program is based on my personal story of coming back to God. Now, my prayer and hope is YOU will go through the process and establish a plan of action for your life.
What Will You Learn?
how to address real-world problems from a Bible-based, Christ-centered perspective.
the seven areas of your life you need to constantly be focused on and working on.
the 5-steps you need to address issues and problems in all areas of your life.
you aren't alone and there is hope.
Who is this for?
for the person who wants to "stop surviving" and "start living"
for the person who wants a better relationship with their spouse
for the person who has drifted away from God and now isn't sure how to come back
for the person who wants a better relationship with their children
for the person who is upset about being done wrong
for the person who isn't content/happy
for the person who makes money but isn't fulfilled
for the person who is exhausted from the stress and anxiety of life
for the person who has a life full of constant/unresolved conflict
for the person who wants to restore a broken relationship
for the person who knows they have issues in their life
for the person who "fill in the blank" - this program is for you!
How This Course Works
it's free! Get access here.
after you sign up, you will be emailed detailed instructions on the program
it's that simple!
What Others are Saying
“Jonah ran from God rather than to God. However, when he turned to God his life became extremely successful. In this book, Nathan Tabor shares his own ‘Jonah story’. Many Christians will identify with his journey. What we need is help on how to ‘run toward God’. Modern Day Jonah is filled with practical ideas on how to break free from self-centered living and reach your potential for God and good in the world.”
Gary D. Chapman, Ph.D. Author of The 5 Love Languages
“On paper, I’ve been married to the same man since 2003, but in reality, I’ve been married to two very different men. The first husband was a textbook businessman and entrepreneur. I can scarcely remember ever falling asleep after him or waking up before him. He worked all the time and I mean ALL the time - even during holidays and while on vacation. He was a force to be reckoned with. He got things done and most people avoided crossing him at any cost. He had a horrible diet and didn’t take care of his health. That said, to our daughter and myself he was always loving and kind and provided a dream life for us. In hindsight, I can see he was under immeasurable stress and pressure. The second husband, the one I have now, has a totally different perspective on life. He puts work second to his family and his quality of life. You'll rarely find him working late into the night, and you won’t hear him raise his voice. He’s in great shape thanks to his racquetball hobby and will happily accept any chore or project asked of him. If I didn’t know the first Nathan so well, I probably wouldn’t be so struck by the simple difference in his eyes. Where I use to see a predator with the next kill in his mind, now I see peace and tranquillity.”
Jordan Tabor, CEO, Simply Sensational Travel
"Do you have everything, yet still feel like something is missing? We often get sidelined by the influence of money, status, and power--which causes frustration, dissatisfaction and misery. But don’t lose hope, there's a Biblical solution to your situation. As you know, God gives everyone a special calling and Nathan Tabor has been called to share his journey away from God and the process he went through coming back to God. When you read Nathan's thoughtful, faith-filled words, you’ll see the benefit of answering God’s calling on your life. And once you experience the power of God's will for your life, you can be the godly person you're meant to be."
Gordon Robertson, President and CEO, the Christian Broadcasting Network
“As a believer, a former pastor and twice presidential candidate, I’ve seen what happens when people choose to ignore God and do things their own way. It’s essential for Christians to unite their relationship with God to their daily lives. Nathan Tabor is courageous for sharing his personal struggles and admitting the error of his former ways. He confronts the Modern-Day Jonah as a practical model for living a Christian life. This book is a relevant, truthful, and inspiring guide to help individuals meet today’s challenges and struggles with a Christian outlook and answers.”
Mike Huckabee, Governor of AR 1996-2007; Host of "Huckabee" on TBN
"It is my privilege to recommend to your ministry, or organization, Brother Nathan Tabor. God has done a unique work in Nathan’s life. I believe it is beneficial to hear the perspective of a man who has experience and success in business, politics, and many other areas, and yet found himself empty. A person’s most powerful witness is their testimony. I encourage you to allow Nathan to share how God is rewriting Nathan’s story. Everyone needs to be reminded that God has not given up on them, even if everyone else has."
Daniel Hawtree, Pastor, Kerwin Baptist Church, Kernersville, NC
“This book contains a wealth of practical and spiritual wisdom. It contains Nathan’s testimony (which most of us can identify with), helpful devotionals, and insights on numerous issues. Here you will find a single resource containing a virtual encyclopedia with the steps to get where you want to go. I heartily recommend Modern-Day Jonah.”
Harold Vaughan, Evangelist and Founder Christ Life Ministries
“I commend my friend Nathan Tabor for his graciousness, wit and wisdom. Nathan is very successful, but has always been a humble, though brilliant friend. I recommend that you read and listen to him. God will bless you through Nathan Tabor.”
Dr. Ted Baehr, Founder and Producer MovieGuide
To get the life you want you have to do things the right way. As Christians, that means doing things God’s way. It means putting God first and applying His word to our lives. But sometimes that easier said than done. We end up making the wrong choices and end up in situations we don't know how to address. It happened to Jonah, it happened to Nathan Tabor and it’s happened to me. Thankfully, God stands ready to restore us. In this book Nathan does an incredible job of explaining the things we must address in our life and the process of getting it done.
Jason Benham, Nationally Acclaimed Entrepreneur, Best-Selling Author, Speaker
“Through Nathan’s personal journey, he has produced a real-time, encouraging work. A transparent opus demonstrating what God can do through repentance and living in obedience. Life lessons in shifting from self to significance. Everyone needs this strong reminder.”
Cary E. Vaughn, CEO/President, Love Worth Finding Ministries, Inc.
“My friend, Nathan Tabor has written a much-needed book for all believers. He has written with up front honesty and utmost transparency. While talking about issues that we all face he discusses his own personal struggles with these same issues. So, he’s not preaching “at” us. He’s making it where we can have a candid and open discussion. Many writers do a great job telling us what the “problems” are yet they leave us hanging about how to change or reverse-correct or solve the problems. The Bible character Jonah takes on real meaning when Nathan shows us step by step how easy it is to get away from God while often thinking that we are close to God when in reality we are far, far away from Him. And although we might want to blame others or our circumstances the reason usually is because of our own choices. Nathan, through this man Jonah shows us how we can get things right with God and no matter how far away a person is they can return to our Father and have a right relationship and a victorious life. This is a great book for individuals to read or for families to read together. It would make an excellent study for your churches small group or Sunday School.”
Tim Lee, Evangelist
“A Modern Day Jonah is one man’s search to reconnect with God. He tells of his journey away from God and the circumstances that caused him to seek out God and reform his life to live in right relationship with God. In the process of telling about his transformation, the author provides a synthesis of best practices by which to order one’s life after first putting God. The layout of the book lends itself to being a good reference tool and ensures that the book will be easy to use on a regular basis. For those struggling in their own lives, the book will serve to guide them back to God. For others, the ideas in the book will serve a reminder of what steps must be taken to avoid falling into the same pitfalls that lead us away from God and into a miserable existence.
Barbara Holt, Past President, North Carolina Right to Life
"Nathan Tabor is a Christian with a poignant personal story. He grew up a preacher’s kid, has a remarkable account of business success as an entrepreneur, and was a candidate for the United States Congress. However, lying beneath the veneer of all his successes was a young man headed for catastrophic crisis. Today, by the grace of God, he is an eminent success in all the things that really matter: peace of heart, relationship with wife and daughter, and personal walk with Jesus Christ, his Lord."
Howard Wilburn, Retired Pastor, Salem Baptist Church, Past Present, Piedmont Bible College
“This is the story of a modern day “Jonah” that every person should read. All Christians have some measure of their own “Jonah experience” in their walk with God. It may be hidden from public eyes, but the capacity to stray from the Father’s presence is within every heart. Within this wonderful book Nathan Tabor recounts his own spiritual wandering and best of all, the way back to God’s care and mercy. It is a worthy reading which, with rare honesty, declares the darkness and sin and the joy of redemption.”
Richard G. Lee, PhD, President and Speaker, There’s Hope America
“Nathan Tabor's humility and transparency makes this book easily relatable to the average American Christian who is doctrinally saved, but practically has never learned to experience the relationship God wants us to have with Him and those around us. This book is for anyone who truly wants to surrender their life to God...and reap the many blessings from doing so.”
Brad Dacus, President, Pacific Justice Institute
“So many go through life wearing a mask to cover the hurt, embarrassment, shame, and doubt that rages inside. After years of wearing the mask, Nathan realized that wealth and success drove him further from happiness and health. But God continued to pursue Nathan, and when he finally surrendered everything the Jesus, the mask was removed and his emotional, physical, and spiritual healing began. Now Nathan shares his personal struggles with the world -- those of us who could only see the mask. It is a powerful and moving story of redemption. Nathan's books is both an invitation to remove the mask and a challenge for each one of us to live life deeper with friends and the Body of Christ to look beyond the mask. This book is about how all of us have the tendency to run from God like Jonah, and it is a roadmap for returning to God who is our only hope. “
Mathew D. Staver, Esq., B.C.S., Founder and Chairman, Liberty Counsel
“Nathan has been a steady encouragement to all those who hear him speak, read his devotions, or follow him on Social Media. Through transparency, he compels other believers to make wise decisions and live the Christian life as God intends. I believe his heart and message are truly needed.
Sam Hicks, Pastor, West Asheboro Baptist Church, Asheboro, NC
“The moment I started reading this book I knew I wanted to apart of it. This book is a reservoir of wisdom - highlighting helpful insights from Nathan’s testimony, and sharing key biblical perspective on pressing issues in our generation. You most certainly won't regret this read - share it with a friend or 5. I truly recommend this for anyone who may be in need of a fresh and timely word from God.”
Rashawn Copeland, Evangelist and Author, Without Walls Ministries
“Nathan's story is all about gaining a deeper awareness of brokenness in our lives in order that we may drink more deeply from the well of unmerited grace. If God is indeed glorified when we are most satisfied in him, then those who rediscover the glorious depths of his love will both experience and express profound peace and contentment. Be encouraged by Nathan's testimony of the relentless love of Christ!”
Walker Armstrong, Executive Director, Pilot Mountain Baptist Association
“Nathan Tabor has been a good friend of mine for many years. I have always admired his work ethic, integrity and leadership skills but in most recent times I have an even greater respect for his honesty and transparency. As he has written about how God used circumstances in his life to allow him to see life from a different perspective and see true success is not as what he has strived for most of his life, I have come to respect him that much more. Nathan is a man of God who is committed to making a difference in others’ lives and in the world around him.”
Sharon Kelly, Executive Director, LifeLine Pregnancy Help Center, Elkin, NC